目前分類:狗狗權益新聞 (124)

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發佈日期: 2006.01.25

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發佈日期: 2006.10.19  

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2009-02-09 朱克威

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【活動名稱】 0218 假檢疫,真虐殺! 要求桃園縣立動物收容所全面開放認領養,作業公開透明

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監獄犬計畫 受刑人 流浪狗雙贏
2009-02-01 程平報導

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寺廟沒人氣 改幫寵物安太歲
往年預訂搶破頭 今年紛縮手 寺廟造福另類對象 費用與人同

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景氣寒冬/連狗也汪汪? 名犬養不起!兩萬元狗狗也流浪
2009-01-12 財經中心/綜合報導 

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January Is “Unchain a Dog” Month: Come to the Rescue of Neglected Dogs

January is “Unchain a Dog Month,” and PETA is encouraging people to allow their best friends inside, where they are safest and happiest. Cold weather means extra hardship for “backyard” dogs. Dogs suffer from frostbite, exposure, and dehydration when water sources freeze. Chained or penned dogs often have nowhere to go to escape the cold and snow.

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狗狗變貓熊 恐引發鬃獅犬棄養潮
2009-01-09 記者陳志東/台北報導 

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史懷哲(Albert Schweitzer,西元1875~1965)

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經濟不景氣 英國狗狗命運大不同

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沒閒錢養 大型犬沒人要 

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深林魅影 --消失中的台灣土狗

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養寵物花錢 美掀棄養潮
2008/12/23 人間福報綜合外電報導

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2008-12-09 12:46:00 夏明珠 

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動物緊急救援小組 籲助流浪動物度寒冬
2008-11-29  中央社記者程啟峰高雄29日電 

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獨居老人養貓狗作伴 心有寄託健康也變好
2008-11-29  劉映蘭   

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